
October 30, 2013

Join the Thunderclap!

You've probably asked yourself: What is Thunderclap?

Thunderclap is a new website that will allow you to join a group of people and tweet or post a facebook status in support of Dark is Beautiful at the  EXACT SAME TIME, creating a wave of attention. 

Imagine it to be a social network flashmob! 

So, follow the link below and click on Support with Facebook, Support with Twitter, Support with Tumblr - or all three! Then click the Add My Support button. 

On November 7th, a tweet or post will appear on your chosen social media platform urging people to sign the petition to end unfair advertising:

So get ready to make some more noise:

October 6, 2013

Dear Malaysia, Will You Dare to Be Colour Blind?

By Sai Tharshini Varathan | A Dark is Beautiful Campaigner

I come from the wonderful and multicultural land of Malaysia. Malaysia is filled with diverse people that are generally friendly. But often, I get to hear a lot of painfully discriminatory comments because of my skin colour, I used to feel hurt and wondered what was so wrong in being dark? 

I was once told to go to the temple and pray for a new face; to ask the Goddess for a better and fairer complexion. Of everything I have been told about my skin colour, this was the comment that really hurt.

October 1, 2013

The Old Has Gone, The New Has Come!

By Kavitha Emmanuel | Founder and Director of WOW

It’s amazing to see how the Dark is Beautiful Campaign has gone viral. The WOW team was taken by storm. We are grateful to all our supporters for standing up with us to address this age-old belief that ‘fair alone is beautiful’.

Yes, it was our initiative BUT it has now become YOUR campaign.